Frequently Asked Questions

Have these images been retouched or enhanced in any way?

The images are selected from NASA archives, stripped of EXIF data, and sometimes cropped (zoomed-in) to ensure the object can be properly viewed. Some images undergo slight enhancements with brightness/contrast/focus filters. NO IMAGES ARE ALTERED! Alterations are considered additive or destructive image manipulation from the original image data. All images handled by Solar Suspicions maintain the original data from the NASA image archives and can be traced back to the original file through the file name containing the associated satellite-sensor-date-time group.

Have government authorities weighed in on these?

The government (NASA specifically) provides online image archives from multiple satellite systems, but they do not provide image analysis. Within some of the NASA satellite literature, particular sensor/lens/program artifacts are discussed for specific satellite systems in order to display the difference between real objects and artificially created items within the image. The real objects that are not naturally found in space are not assessed by NASA or other government agencies. These are the objects we present here at Solar Suspicions.

Is Solar Suspicions connected in any way to any government agencies?

No. Solar Suspicions is completely independent from any government ties except that we get the images from public domain NASA sites. (See About Us for the actual public links.) Our members can count on complete confidentiality and we do not give or sell our email lists to anyone else at all.