Solar Suspicions icon


To offer NASA archived images of solar-centric objects for consideration that “technosignatures” do exist, are actively operating near our sun.


All content on this web-site is unclassified, and publically available from NASA/ESA. The picture titles (once downloaded) contain the date-time-group that can be used to locate the same picture from the NASA/ESA archives at the following links:





Professional Access:

All of the pictorial materials in this website are free and useful for research, but full access is limited to those willing to join as a member for $19.99/year to cover website maintenance, on-going research, and new updated photos feeding into this website on a regular basis.


Material Handling Instructions:

  • Jumping to conclusions leads to poor imagery analysis. Therefore, studying the space sciences literature covering remote sensing devices (such as solar satellites) will help clarify the objects seen in the photographic material to the extent explanations can be found.
  • Much of the material is zoomed to various levels to expose the suspicious objects or scene. Very few pictures offer indications of the subject/object of a specific scene, and if the viewer does not see suspicious scene activity or object(s) then simply move on to the next image.
  • Some pictures are displayed at various levels of brightness or contrast to enhance the data already in the picture. Nothing is added to the photographs nor “Photo-shopped” to alter the content beyond enhancement of what is already in the image data.
  • The date-time group (the title of each photo) of downloaded pictures will allow the user to reference the same photo from the government web-sites by matching the year, month, day – time – sensor frequency to the archives from where it was originally retrieved.


Y/M/D _  Hr/Min/Sec _ pixels _ Sensor Freq

SDO:     20160527_231159     _    4096   _ 0171


Y/M/D _  Hr/Min _ Sensor Freq/Type

SOHO:  20160529   1136      C2


Satellite Ahead or Behind   Y/M/D – Hr/Min/Sec – Sensor Freq

STEREO: STEREO Ahead 20070115-012551-171


Suspicious scene activity or object(s):

If you don’t have a Doctorate degree in Astrophysics you can apply a few simple rules found throughout nature centering around Newton’s three laws. For instance, plasma is not intelligent and must follow the laws of nature. Plasma from the sun is under multiple influences and orders of magnitude beyond our comprehension, but it should not be able to create perfect cubes, triangles or multi-level shapes of contrasting materials or densities indicating a non-natural characteristic or design. For example, a bomb blast in the desert will throw dirt into the air, but you should not see an intact building flying through the air in the debris. Likewise, most of the material presented in this web-site centers around the sun’s corona / chromosphere. It is in this region objects have a hard time staying cloaked or invisible since the satellite sensors are tuned to specific energy wavelengths and will not pick up non-energetic materials, but instead may detect reflected or absorbed energy frequencies interacting with non-energetic surfaces.

Some of the solar centric (near the sun) objects have a vertical light trail associated with it that may be associated with the Charge Transfer Efficiency of the CCD sensor, however, the object creating the trail is the suspicious part of the scene. Most objects are single frame in nature meaning they are not found on consecutive frames before or after the photograph in question.

Some of the bright spots on the sun will create straight beams vertically that is caused by the camera lens. Some “X” shaped beams of intensity and frequency cause over-saturation of the camera system adding image data considered corrupted or intrusive. These known camera system anomalies should not be considered a significant part of the picture or data retrieved by the sensor, and should be ignored except to know a large amount of energy caused the state of over-saturation or lensing effect.

The true suspicious scene/object is usually centered in the photo as much as allowed by original position from the archived material. The scene characteristics to look for are basic intelligent shapes buried in normal Coronal Mass Ejections or surface/non-surface activities near the sun. Look for sharp corners, angles and anything simulating a structure or shape not naturally associated with a CME event. NASA refers to any intelligently created aberration detectable by a remote sensor as a “technosignature” in their Astrobiology Roadmap for 2015. Look for differences in contrast/brightness within a scene, and stare into the scene like a 3D stereo poster and pick out intelligent objects as if flying over that area in search of life or intelligent design. Not everyone will see the same thing or objects, and in fact, you may find other objects not detected originally.

Space Art

Some of the objects are of known origins and explained easily by science (i.e. cosmic rays), but the art value was high enough for consideration to add to the files. However, most art pieces are done in vivid colors with high contrast value and are perfect for office or home display in poster or canvas format. In fact, all materials presented are perfect for wall displays as topic or conversational art. Whether the material is used for scholarly research, for personal research or for art purposes the main intent is to marvel at what surrounds us in our universe to include objects that cause us to have solar suspicions.

Index Codes

It is common to find index code references at the end of a date-time-group title of a picture (ie,. 20100529_004530_4096_1600 Solar centric). These codes are used to index common scene characteristics found in other pictures within a data set for future retrieval to contrast or compare.